
E-FENSE (Encapsulating Farmers Ecosystem Necessity with Sustainable Energy) is an IEEE HAC funded project which aims at Solar powered electric fencing in Sreekrishnapuram village of Palakkad district.

It is an Electric Fencing Project that can bring productivity to 45 acres of land, to obtain an upsurge of at least 50% in the overall productivity and enhanced financial stability for the farmers of Sreekrishnapuram LSGD. The project involves implementation of a Solar Panel of 670W Peak and a 100Ah battery on the aforementioned site so as to solar fence it and ward away any wild animals that may attack or endanger the produce of the farmers. This way it aims to increase their productivity and is also the first of its kind to be undertaken by a group under IEEE Kerala Section.

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HAC (Humanitarian Activities Committee)

The IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board (HTB), formerly the IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC), inspires and empowers IEEE volunteers around the world carrying out and supporting impactful humanitarian technology activities at the local level. The IEEE HTB mission is to support impactful and ethically informed volunteer-led initiatives, programs and projects, and mutually beneficial partnerships, as well as to inform policy formulation that harness technology and innovation to address societal challenges (including disaster recovery) in a responsive, effective, and sustainable way.

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19th March 2023
The Project is live


Learn more about it

Workshop October 8, 2022

MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing)

IEEE SB NSSCE conducted a hands-on training workshop on Mechanical Electrical Plumbing as a part of our funded project E-FENSE. Theses experiences are fundamental to the skills and profession of an engineer and through the organization of the session, the attendees could finetune these and were prepped to contribute time and ideas towards similar professional and humanitarian activities, and thus be a crucial member in IEEE’s quest in attaining advancing technologies for humanity.

Session November 1, 2022

Importance of Projects in Engineering

IEEE SIGHT Group NSS College of Engineering with the IEEE Student Branch NSS College of Engineering conducted an online session on the “Importance of Projects in Engineering” on 1st November 2022. The resource person was Er Harigovind M, System Engineer, Tata Consultancy Services.

Session February 3, 2023

Introduction to Photovoltaic System

IEEE SB NSSCE conducted a session on the 'Introduction to photovoltaic systems' as a part of our funded project E-FENSE on 5th February 2023. The session was attended by 55 students from the Student Branch who are the prospective participants of the project. The workshop was an initiative to equip them with a skill set and knowledge about photovoltaic systems which constitute a significant part of the project.

Workshop Oct 8, 2022

MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing)

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